We need help!

We need help!

We human beings live in a space that God has entrusted to us. If we just take a few minutes to think about this, we will realize that this space has lots of limitations.

Think of our ability to see: We can only comfortably see about 120 degrees of a 360 degree spectrum. This means, we can see about one third of the reality that is around us. Of course you can turn your neck or even your body which will allow you to see all 360 degrees around you. But in reality, our heads are focused forward which limits our vision. Should there be a danger just behind us we will not see it. This is why we need another person to be near us and warn us of impending danger.While our eyes may be good, the eyesight of a number of animals is far superior. A buzzard for instance can spot a rabbit moving its ears from three kilometres (two miles) away. Eagles are able to even see UV light which allows them to see far more than we humans do.

What about our hearing?

A typical human being can hear sounds between 20 and 20,000 Hz. If we get older we even hear much less. An Elephant can hear sounds 20 times lower than humans. Dogs can hear up to about 50,000 Hz. But Bats and Dolphins can even hear far more, they can hear sounds as high as 100,000 Hz. Beyond all these are Radio waves, wireless communication which are in MHz or GHz bands. To make such sound waves audible we need radio receivers that translate these high frequencies into audible frequencies that we are able to hear.

Why do I talk about this?

We must accept that man’s perception is subject to boundaries that God has set. Therefore our knowledge is always partial. Mankind has studied the night sky for hundreds of years. As a result we have come to know a lot about our Universe, yet our knowledge is subject to many constraints which we cannot overcome. Despite our ever more powerful technology we just find out so much of what we can’t find out. Our natural world gives us many frontiers that we cannot overcome.
When it comes to spiritual realities in the world of God we are even much more deficient as we cannot see spiritual substance. The only way we can learn about the plans of God is through God’s Word. But even then we must have a regenerated spirit (be born again) in order to understand the ways of God revealed in the Bible.  Our knowledge of God is very minimal. About His marvellous plans we know very little.
Therefore we must be diligent to learn about the nature and the plans of God. If we miss Him and His plans for our lives we will waste our lives on this earth. It is a tragedy that people do not recognize their needs despite all the limitations human beings have. God teaches us through this, that we should seek Him, because those who seek shall find. And yet Psalm 10:4 tells us: In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.  – We can’t afford to be proud as the consequences are devastating as we are told in Proverbs 16:18: Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

The lesson we need to learn

No matter how brilliant we may be, we all need the help of the people that God has placed around us. Every child needs teachers, this we may easily accept. But it is equally true for adults. Don’t look down on others, you may just require the input from the person you feel is inferior to you. You are not an island, God made us to support and encourage each other. Begin to see the great value in those people God put into your life. Don’t ever think you don’t need them, you do!But we also need God in our lives. This is why Jesus promised us that He would never leave nor forsake us. He is always on call! The question is, are we calling?Jesus told us before He went back to His Father, that He would send the Holy Spirit to be our Guide and our Counselor to be with us forever. Everyone of us needs the guidance and the counsel of the Spirit of God so that we do not miss His ways.

The agony of hindsight

After we get caught because of our mistakes or when our sin catches up with us we often come to the conclusion: I should never have done this! But then time will have already been squandered and at best we might be able to do is to start all over again. Therefore receive the outstretched hand of God: He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. (Psalms 25:9)
Therefore let us be wise and humble ourselves as we seek the help of people and above all the help of our creator. Life is short and there will be a point of no return when it is too late to correct our selfish ways.
We need help, we all do.

The good news: Help is available today!

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